Innovation for foresting, robotics and gardening

Husqvarna has a long history of innovation. Today they mainly innovate for gardeners, arborists and foresters.

CLIENT Husqvarna


Husqvarna has a wide offering of products to take care of gardening, forest and parks. They always need to keep on innovating for how to find ways to help their customers in the best way. At this stage the where looking for competence to help them be guided in the innovation process.

I worked as a lead designer together with them to help them go from ideas to validation of prototypes and MVPs.


I helped them use design thinking and design sprints to kick off and try out new ideas. I supported them in several fileds such as robotics, gardening and tree care. We used methods for goal and vision statements, user research, ideation, conceptualisation, prototyping and validation from real customers.


  • Goal & vision statements

  • Deepened customer understanding

  • Concept designs

  • Prototypes

  • Validated products and services

  • Product backlogs


Garden house e-commerce


Tax agency